Friday, November 11, 2011

Back to vaccinated vs. un-vaccinated...?

I didn't not vaccinate but delayed because that so called "schdedule" that everyone is so hell bent on following was designed by the insurance companies to help benefit them with less paperwork and claims not to benefit your child. For the person that thinks the law prohibits unvaccinated children from going to school....sorry honey but you couldn't be more wrong and your kid is probably going to school with unvaccinated children. A child cannot be refused an education in any school system because of not having shots. Some children cannot have certain vaccinations due to other illnesses so are you telling me that that child should be refused an education....sorry but that is not true. The school may try to keep your child from entering school but in the end they will lose because legally they cannot do so. I went to college with a woman that has a daughter that never had one vaccination and she went to high school and to college....I know this because she was in one of our cles. You need to get facts before you go spouting off at the mouth and uming your child is not coming into contact with an unvaccinated child at school because he/she probably is.

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