Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Who thinks the american journalists captured in N. Korea are idiots?

So this is what I was thinking, and it seems to be a reoccuring theme. The two American journalists captured in N. Korea are idiots. Why in the hell would you enter N. Korea in the first place? I dont care if you were "trying to get the story"...or whatever. Youre an idiot for entering a country like N. Korea knowing its political standing and how dangerous it would be if caught. Bill clinton is the man for getting them out i give him props. But now we have some more idiotic Americans going where they shouldn't and being arrested. Iran....ooo thats a no brainer. Some idiot hikers entered Iran illegaly and were arrested. Idiots. Both of these situations could be have been easily avoided. I have no sypmathy for them. The only way i would feel bad for them is if someone forced them to go...but this is America land of the free home of the brave, they chose to do it, their faults. Idiots

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