Monday, November 14, 2011

Religion is like the matrix. who agrees?

religious people are like the people plugged into the matrix in that movie. they are CONTROLLED OBLIVIOUS NON THINKING people. when they talk all i hear is the money and power hungry priest talking. they never got a chance to believe what they wanted to believe. they were brainwashed from the start by their parents so there is no way they can think different. thats how religion works. its a long continuous brainwashing evil plan. it threatens FREE THINKING people like me to believe its crap. god loves us all but will send those who dont belive in him to hell? WTF? im glad i was given a chance on what i wanted to think about lifes origin. most people who were are OPEN MINDED thinking people like me. I am soooo glad i am unplugged from the matrix(religion)

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