Monday, November 7, 2011

Can someone please give me an answer to a very bad situation?

If the warrant isn't there..1st off never volunteer any information..if she was fired because of this act and the police/sheriff wasn't there to arrest her..leave it be and look for other work in the meanwhile..if you want straight answers about warrant never contact the the sheriff in your county and specifically ask for from a cell phone give her name and date of birth and ask the amount..don't ask specifics of the case..they will not know..once you're given that amount raise money and contact a lawyer..but never give a statement to the police..all that this is your chance your chance to help yourself..yeah ok..miranda states..what you say CAN AND WILL BE USED AGAINST YOU IN A COURT OF LAW...the key word is have free WILL to speak..once you speak the court WILL use it against you..oh you got the pills for a friend who gave xx amount of was facing 1-3 with probation as an option but now you are a dealer so from 1-3 you're looking at 4-15 and probation is unlikely we don't give dealers let the friend know be cool for now and get bond money ready if there is a charge..or a warrant...

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