Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Has anyone else ever experienced this?

I know all about phantom symptoms when you are trying to conceive...but this is just sort of weird I think.Today, (10DPO) and this is the first day this has occurred since O, I have urges to cry over stupid things - but I don't.For two reasons:1) I get over it fairly quickly (haha)2) I don't want to let myself cry because I am afraid I will think it is a symptom and I will get my hopes up.Is that strange or what?I have gotten to the point during this TWW that I am just like "que sera sera."My (.)(.) are still burning but who knows if it means anything.Yeh, I felt twinges down there until last night, but, who knows.Maybe those have happened every month and I never knew it because I was not looking for it or being sensitive to every little thing my body is going through.I am done with taking my temp as well. It is just ticking me off.I thought knowledge would make me feel more powerful, but it is only making me more stressed.In this case, knowledge is NOT my friend, until AF is late...

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