Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Is there anything wrong with this paragraph I wrote? Opinions please, before I turn it in.. :P?

Before blindly agreeing with anything one reads, one must yze the data provided and ask oneself some questions. In the page titled, “College Students Not Learning”, the information given is quite vague. The article states, “Perhaps this lack of learning is tied to the design of the courses the students took”. That statement is very broad; the “lack of learning” could also have been tied to many other factors, such as whether the students attended cl regularly, paid attention in cl, and how often they studied. Did the study include private institutions, public colleges, or both? The results likely would have differed depending on the type of schools included in the study. Were several colleges included in the study, or just one or two? Different colleges probably would have yielded different results. In conclusion, it is evident that the researchers did not provide enough detailed information about their findings to satisfy even the most amateur of critical thinkers!

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